Selasa, 16 Juli 2013 0 komentar

Welcome in New Academic Year of 2014/2015

Hello guys! Glad to meet you again in this new academic year of 2014/2015. After receiving your achievement report and having a long-term holiday it's time to be back again in our beloved school. Congratulations to you for being in a higher grade today; who previously was on the 10th grade become on 11th, who previously was on the 11th grade become on 12th, and also a warm welcome to you new 10th grade students. What a great achievement. So let us doing better in this new academic year, and hope to achive the best that we can do.

Alexander G. P. S.

Sabtu, 02 Februari 2013 0 komentar

Living the English Club Again

Hello guys! I'm glad to be back in this blog again after a loong time being away in touch. Well, let's get to the point ; living the English Club again :)

I am pretty sure all of you have known about this; how was the English Club going recently. It wasn't effective enough as you can see and there were a lot number of us missing. Of course this sounds not good enough but yeah I can still understand why are these kind of things happened to us. If this condition still continues I'm afraid if there will be kind of 'disunity' among us and the next EC generation will experience the same. Whilst it is not yet too late I have some resolution make the EC feels alive as real as it is and of course it won't be worked out without your help guys (:

So my question is how do you think to make our English Club shining again?
I'll be waiting for your opinion (:

-by Alexander G. P. S.-
Selasa, 15 Januari 2013 0 komentar

Letter of Apologize

We apologize to all people due to our restricted time that we have so there have been no posts in such a long time. Hopefully here in 2013 we will back again and showing some significant increase to grow up the Smansa English Club that have been considered "vacuum" or even worse from that. So we need participation from all school components to make it happen. Suggestions and Critics are highly appreciated. (:
Kamis, 05 Januari 2012 0 komentar

Welcome to English World!!!

Hey, I’m so glad can see this Blog. Well, I don’t want to share about serious matter or something like our national bureaucracy. Just relax. English is not as difficult as we think. Now, we can easily get speakin’ experience. Now, we can easily “meet” native speaker in many ways. And now, my posting is about “English = Social Language”
Talk about English, we only think that it comes from great Britain, it has so many rules, it can make us crazy in thinkin’ the grammar, tenses and so many other about it.
I don’t say that They’re(tenses, grammar .etc) not needed in studying ‘bout English. But now,when you try to have a conversation with native persons, will you think the grammar first? Will you think the tense before you speak? I think, if in Indonesian we have “alay” language or teen’s language, English has also about teen’s or social mode of this language. Social mode language is the language that is used in daily life. Language is about delivering your statement. For example, you come late to school, so you’d better and must say “I’m sorry Sir”. Of course, you will be seriously express it to your teacher, but if you come late to your friend’s house, maybe you will say “ Sorry guys (only that)”. We don’t have time to think the grammar nor tense nor something like that. So, just speak up, speak up, and speak up. Don’t think that it’s a burden, it’s difficult. You can try to say hallo with your friend, or get internet chat with your friend, but also use English. With this solution. We can solve the problem ‘bout speak in English.
Let’s Speak Up.

(Ahmad Agus Faisal)